Sorry, You can’t find this book in the library! “I’m a human sponge – I soak up memories. I feel like a thief, stealing secrets with an innocent touch. I don’t like this gift. It’s intrusive and sneaky. I think it’s harmless, but I can’t be sure. If knowledge is power, why do I feel […]
Author Archives: Yash Nair
Shan, Darren-Demon Apocalypse (Book 6 of The Demonata)
You Can find this in the Library! “Fire! It’s all around me, fierce, intense, out of control. I feel the hair on my arms singe and know I have only seconds before I burst into flames. Total panic. There’s a horrible shrieking sound, piercing and destructive. My eardrums and eyeballs should burst. “It’s hell!” I […]
Shan, Darren-Blood Beast (Book 5 of The Demonata)
You Can find this in the Library! “Locked inside Dervish’s study. Breath coming quickly, raggedly. Trembling wildly. I still feel sick and dizzy, but maybe that’s fear. I force myself to breathe normally, evenly. When I’m in control, I study my reflection, looking for telltale signs. Am I turning into a werewolf? I don’t know…” […]
Shan, Darren-Bec (Book 4 of The Demonata)
You Can find this in the Library! “I’m almost through the door when something breathes behind me, ‘Beccccc…’ I turn. I can’t see anything but I know I’m not alone. I want to call for help but I can’t. Then, in a blur, claws dart out of the darkness… a twisted face… fiery eyes… rows […]
Shan, Darren-Slawter (Book 3 of the Demonata)
You Can find this in the Library! “Never trust fairy tales. There are no happy endings. There’s always something new around the corner. You can overcome major obstacles, face great danger, look evil in the eye and live to tell the tale – but that’s not the end. As long as you’re breathing, your […]
Shan, Darren-Demon Thief (Book 2 of the Demonata)
You Can find this In the Library! When Kernel Fleck’s brother is stolen by demons, he must enter their universe in search of him. It is a place of magic, chaos and incredible danger. Kernel has three aims: • learn to use magic, • find his brother, • stay alive. But a heartless demon awaits […]
Shan, Darren-Lord Loss (Book 1 of The Demonata)
You Can find this in the Library! (The Lord Loss Poem) Lord Loss sows all the sorrows of the world, Lord Loss seeds the grief-starched trees, In the center of the web, lowly Lord Loss bows his head, Mangled hands, naked eyes Fangled snaked his soul line Curled inside like textured sin, bloody curdled sheets […]
Mass, Wendy-Every Soul a Star
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Scarrow, Alex-TimeRiders Book#4: The Eternal War
Sorry, you can’t find this book in the Library! A time wave has struck that alters the entire history of the American Civil War. Abraham Lincoln has followed Liam into the present from 1831 – and now the world is in a dangerous state of limbo . . .If the TimeRiders can’t return Lincoln to […]
Lee, Harper-To Kill A Mockingbird
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