Tag Archives: Demons

Shan, Darren-Blood Beast (Book 5 of The Demonata)

You Can find this in the Library! “Locked inside Dervish’s study. Breath coming quickly, raggedly. Trembling wildly. I still feel sick and dizzy, but maybe that’s fear. I force myself to breathe normally, evenly. When I’m in control, I study my reflection, looking for telltale signs. Am I turning into a werewolf? I don’t know…” […]

Shan, Darren-Bec (Book 4 of The Demonata)

You Can find this in the Library! “I’m almost through the door when something breathes behind me, ‘Beccccc…’ I turn. I can’t see anything but I know I’m not alone. I want to call for help but I can’t. Then, in a blur, claws dart out of the darkness… a twisted face… fiery eyes… rows […]